Made from 100% recyclable TPU (a type of plastic), This is adidas' first running shoe that will never be thrown away. You run it down and return it. They grind it up and remake it using the same materials. The end of one running shoe can be the beginning of the next. No performance lost. No plastic waste created. One pair of shoes can become every pair you ever need.
This thinking around circularity became the main mantra for this campaign where the repeating use of circles represent the “loop”. They can be seen as the red thread throughout the campaign, a visual and stylistic choice that echoes purpose of the product it references.
Our campaign featured the spokesperson, creator and youth icon, Willow Smith. She starred in the visual communication and, together with Erik Liedtke (ex-Head of Global Brands) and Paul Gaudio (ex-Global Creative Director), she presented Futurecraft Loop to the world at the circular launch event in NYC. Here we brought together 200 handpicked creators from around the globe.
The Duggal Greenhouse was selected as the venue for the Loop Event, situated in the Brooklyn Navy Yard in NYC. In this large building a round stage was built with three massive transparent circular screens which unveiled the story of the process, through to the finished product and it’s sustainable impact on the future. Circles, of course, being the graphic clue through out this event.
The Duggal Greenhouse was selected as the venue for the Loop Event, situated in the Brooklyn Navy Yard in NYC. In this large building a round stage was built with three massive transparent circular screens which unveiled the story of the process, through to the finished product and it’s sustainable impact on the future. Circles, of course, being the graphic clue through out this event.
From here, the 200 creators started the first ever generation of adidas’ ground-breaking product movement. We followed them closely to see how they experienced the shoe and how it made them more conscious about circularity in their daily life. We then collected the shoes back from them a few months later and handed them the remade Futurecraft Loop Gen2. Built from their previous shoes.
From here, the 200 creators started the first ever generation of adidas’ ground-breaking product movement. We followed them closely to see how they experienced the shoe and how it made them more conscious about circularity in their daily life. We then collected the shoes back from them a few months later and handed them the remade Futurecraft Loop Gen2. Built from their previous shoes.
From here, the 200 creators started the first ever generation of adidas’ ground-breaking product movement. We followed them closely to see how they experienced the shoe and how it made them more conscious about circularity in their daily life. We then collected the shoes back from them a few months later and handed them the remade Futurecraft Loop Gen2. Built from their previous shoes.
As part of the core creative team for this campaign, we developed the overall concept and art direction. During the last phase I acted as the digital director leading the campaign site, social media content and social guidelines, which we produced with various partners.
DATE: April ’19
CLIENT: adidas Brand Design AMS
RESPONSIBILITIES: Concept, Art Direction, Digital Direction
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Owen Silverwood, Marcus Smith
As part of the core creative team for this campaign, we developed the overall concept and art direction. During the last phase I acted as the digital director leading the campaign site, social media content and social guidelines, which we produced with various partners.
DATE: April ’19
CLIENT: adidas Brand Design AMS
RESPONSIBILITIES: Concept, Art Direction, Digital Direction
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Owen Silverwood, Marcus Smith
Mini-bio: Born and raised in the '80s. Made from of tall Nordic DNA. Interested in all things beautiful. Always craving new tech and tinkering with old. Hustler by day, gamer by night.
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